2021-22 Compact

2021-22 Student/Parent/Teacher/Principal Compact 

Cattell Elementary School 

 Parent/Guardian agreement: 

 As a parent/guardian, I will do my best to:  

  • Respect and support my child, the staff, and the school.  
  • Support the rules and policies of the Des Moines Public Schools. 
  • Establish a time and place for my child to do homework and review homework for completion. 
  • Ensure that my child attends school daily, arrives on time, and stays the entire day. 
  • Talk with my child about his/her day. 
  • Invite my child to read with me every day. 
  • Read from a variety of children’s books. 
  • Talk with my child’s teacher about my child’s reading progress and progress in other subjects. 
  • Ask my child questions about what was read. 
  • Attend parent-teacher conferences. 
  • Use the Iowa Reading Research Center website resources to support literacy development at home: http://www.iowareadingresearch.org/literacy-resources/teacher-family-resources/. 

 Student agreement:  

As a student, I will do my best to:  

  • Respect myself, others, and my school. 
  • Be responsible by coming to school every day and always trying to do my best in my work and behavior. 
  • Follow the rules and policies of the Des Moines Public Schools. 
  • Demonstrate calm, balanced, and focused behavior. 
  • Go to the library and check out books. 
  • Read aloud to my parents or pets. 
  • Learn new words. 
  • Come to school with completed homework. 

  Teacher agreement:  

 As a teacher, I will do the following to assist each student to achieve 

  • Respect and support students, parents, staff, and the school. 
  • Provide a safe, positive, warm, and engaging learning environment.  
  • Clearly state the goals for reading achievement. 
  • Share the high expectations for reading with all participants. 
  • Articulate instructional means for attaining for goals  
  • Share assessments used to monitor children’s progress. 
  • Focus on reading and writing. 
  • Work toward parental involvement in supporting their children’s reading and homework. 
  • Encourage each child to do his/her personal best. 
  • Share information regarding each child’s needs and progress. 
  • Provide instruction utilizing research-based strategies that will meet all students’ instructional needs. 
  • Maintain open line of communication with each student and his/her parents. 
  • Facilitate parent-teacher conferences in elementary schools, at least annually, during which the compact will be discussed as it relates to the individual child’s achievement. 

 Principal agreement:  

 As a principal, I will do the following to assist each student to achieve 

  • Respect and support students, parents, staff, and the school. 
  • Provide a safe, positive, warm, and engaging learning environment.   
  • Support the rules and policies of the Des Moines Public Schools.  
  • Encourage each child to do his/her personal best. 
  • State clearly the goals for reading achievement. 
  • Share the high expectations for reading with all participants. 
  • Articulate instructional means for attaining for goals  
  • Share assessments used to monitor children’s progress. 
  • Focus on reading and writing. 
  • Work toward Parental involvement in supporting their children’s reading and homework. 
  • Provide the students with highly professional, qualified staff. 
  • Provide an environment that allows for positive communication between the students, parents and staff. 
  • Provide high-quality curriculum and instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment.