Bulletin Board
Welcome to the new Cattell Elementary School website! Here you can find out what’s for lunch, learn about upcoming news and events and much more. Use the menu at the top of the page or the Quick Links menu to the right to find what you’re looking for.
We are pleased to welcome you to the virtual backpack for Des Moines Public Schools, our central hub for information about school and community events and information of interest to students and their families. The new virtual backpack allows the Des Moines Public School District to distribute school and community information electronically to parents, staff, and students. Click here to visit the virtual backpack!
Des Moines Public Schools uses Nutrislice to provide easier and more complete menu information about breakfast and lunch at all of our schools.
Visit DMPS Nutrislice to see what’s for breakfast or lunch at any school on any day of the school year.
In the event of inclement weather Des Moines Public Schools may do one of four things:
- Cancel classes at all schools but administrative and school offices remain open.
- Cancel classes at all schools and administrative and school offices are closed.
- Dismiss schools two hours early.
- Delay the start of school by two hours but administrative and school offices open at regular time.
If the Superintendent issues one of these four notices, this link explains what impact it will have on students, parents and school district employees.
Quick Links
Superintendent Chat
No School; Eid al-Fitr
School Board Meeting
School Board Meeting
No School